Essential oils for when you are in a bad mood

Sometimes life gets you down. If you’ve had a rough day at work, you spent an hour in traffic, the person in front of you at the grocery store was taking forevvvvver, or maybe all of the above, you have plenty of reasons to feel cranky. We know life can’t always be...

Quiz: What diffuser blend do you need right now?

In the mood for something new? Sometimes you’re looking for a different diffuser blend, but you just don’t know what to try. Take our quiz to find the blend that perfectly matches your mood—or sets the mood you want to create! Whether you’re checking things off your...

All About Blue Tansy

On the Mediterranean coast of Morocco, thousands of little flowers are harvested to create one of our most rare and exotic essential oils. Bright blue like the sea it grew beside, Blue Tansy essential oil has been beloved for hundreds of years for its sweet, gentle...

Dear Lemongrass: 9 reasons I adore you

My Dearest Lemongrass Essential Oil, I’ve been holding back my feelings for some time, but I can’t stay silent any longer. I must tell you…I love you! Your enticing aroma, your exotic origins, and your relaxing presence all make me fall for you more deeply each day....

DIY monster spray: 3 kid-friendly recipes

Bedtime can be a struggle for parents and kids alike. It can seem like the excuses never end, and sometimes real fears of imaginary foes keep little ones awake well past dark. Whether it’s monsters in the closet or little monsters not wanting to go to bed, reach for...

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