15 ways to feel more powerful

Looking for a power boost? We all run low on confidence from time to time, but you can get motivated again and start seizing the day in just a few minutes. Whether you need to be at your best for a job interview, a big presentation, a first date, or simply to tackle...

Share a Valentine the YL way

Valentine’s Day is all about L-O-V-E, whether it’s romantic, for your family, or for your best friends. We wanted to help you share your feelings for the ones you care about with some essential oil-themed Valentine’s Day cards, and in our opinion, the sillier they...

5 overnight chia breakfast bowl recipes

Start the day off right with a healthy breakfast infused with the fresh flavor of 100 percent pure essential oils! Instead of grabbing a sugary pastry or drink, fill up on real food with an overnight chia breakfast bowl. We’ve rounded up a handful of chia seed pudding...

How to use Bergamot like a pro

With a unique spicy and tart citrus scent, Bergamot oil is a favorite among the oil obsessed. But being a Bergamot pro is more than being able to answer questions like “What is Bergamot?” and “What does Bergamot smell like?” It’s knowing Bergamot oil uses, the...

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