Todo Sobre Thieves

Cuenta la leyenda que, en el siglo XV, las autoridades francesas ofrecieron clemencia a un grupo de ladrones a cambio de su mezcla aromática secreta. Se creía que su formulación de poderosos botánicos los protegía mientras saqueaban comunidades. Siglos más tarde,...

Essential oils 101: Beginner’s guide

Can essential oils change your life? They sure have changed ours! From a Lavender-infused bedtime routine to a cleaner-smelling Lemon-y kitchen, we have the tips and tricks you need to start using essential oils. Read on for our ways to go from beginner oil user to...

How to Use Essential Oils

Maybe you’re unpacking your Premium Starter Kit, you were gifted a bunch of essential oils—you lucky dog—or, like some of us, you dove head-first into essential oils because you knew there was something special about them. Now you’re overwhelmed by how to use the dang...

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