Un abrazo dentro de una botella: Una guía de aceites esenciales para elevar e inspirar
Ha sido uno de esos días. Tu presentación en el trabajo no fue como lo esperabas, el tráfico estaba muy pesado, está lloviendo, tu lista de cosas pendientes es de 10 páginas y alguien se comió la comida que tenías preparada para la cena. Todo lo que quieres hacer es...
Todo Sobre Thieves
Cuenta la leyenda que, en el siglo XV, las autoridades francesas ofrecieron clemencia a un grupo de ladrones a cambio de su mezcla aromática secreta. Se creía que su formulación de poderosos botánicos los protegía mientras saqueaban comunidades. Siglos más tarde,...
Essential oils 101: Beginner’s guide
Can essential oils change your life? They sure have changed ours! From a Lavender-infused bedtime routine to a cleaner-smelling Lemon-y kitchen, we have the tips and tricks you need to start using essential oils. Read on for our ways to go from beginner oil user to...
Young Living Essential Oils: Value in Every Drop
Pop quiz! For fresh fish, would you pick: A) something you found in the refrigerator case at a gas station 1,500 miles inland, or B) a fillet served at a long-established restaurant on the coast? We hope that for the sake of your stomach you chose B. Now think about...
How to Use Essential Oils
Maybe you’re unpacking your Premium Starter Kit, you were gifted a bunch of essential oils—you lucky dog—or, like some of us, you dove head-first into essential oils because you knew there was something special about them. Now you’re overwhelmed by how to use the dang...
Guide to diluting essential oils for kids and babies
When it comes to diluting essential oils for kids, it’s best to stay on the safe side. These essential oil dilution ratios utilizing carrier oils are a great starting point for sharing the many benefits of essential oils with your precious tiny tots. Follow the...
Most popular essential oils and their superpowers
What’s the secret ingredient to unlocking your superpowers? When you hit a lull, you may wish you had a wand, alien rocks, or even radioactive spiders to win the day. If you’re looking for a super boost that will help you feel motivated to accomplish heroic feats,...
Breathe in; breathe out: Our 5 essential oil picks for recharging
There are countless ways to use essential oils. Applying them topically can bring a range of benefits, and we love using our culinary line in favorite essential oil recipes. When we need a boost, there’s no denying that one of our favorite ways to recharge is simply...