Summertime safety: The risk of nanoparticles

Do you really know what you’re putting on your skin? It’s finally summer and that means camping, backyard barbecues, pool parties—and layers of sunscreen, bug spray, moisturizers, and other skin care products. Protecting and nurturing your skin is not something to...

8 Helichrysum Oil Benefits and Facts

We love Helichrysum; it’s in some of our favorite blends such as Deep Relief™, but it’s also fabulous on its own. A little bit earthy, a little bit herby, its invigorating aroma can chase away the sluggish energy in a room. And that’s just the start of the dozens of...

9 essentials for Dr. Mom

Moms nurture their kids in every way—mentally, physically, and emotionally. They’re the all-purpose, everyday fixer of problems big and small. From an upset tummy to a broken heart, Dr. Mom™ is there to care, comfort, and cuddle whenever it’s needed. Whether it’s...

DIY stain remover with essential oils

Got a stubborn stain that just won’t come out? DIY your own stain remover stick that’s supercharged with Thieves® Laundry Soap and Lemon essential oil and free from the harsh chemicals you don’t want around your family. You’ll love the citrus-spice smell as you gently...

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