Self-Care Sundays Taking me-time with essential oils

Self-care isn’t a new concept, but it’s a habit worth picking up. It’s never too late to start making yourself a priority! Setting aside time for yourself and following through can give you a whole new perspective on life. As challenging as it can be to find the time, self-care pays off by preparing you to tackle the next big obstacle with a clearer head and a fuller heart. Put yourself first by starting Self-Care Sunday. This weekly ritual will get you in the habit of looking after the most important person in your life: you. Use these tips and your favorite essential oils when you carve out Sunday me time every week.

Eucalyptus Globulus Essential OilFocus on yourself

Serving others brings a wealth of benefits to your life, but you can only assist your community and nurture your family when you are well. Self-care is a vital part of wellness, so establish some rituals each Sunday that make you the priority. Use the time to clean your room instead of the rest of the house or go grocery shopping alone and get a few of your favorites to get you through the week. Catch up on sleep with an afternoon nap, then treat yourself to an invigorating bath infused with Eucalyptus, followed by the moisturizing properties of our DIY lotion bar to feel as ready for Monday as anyone can.

Simplify your life

There will always be something else to add to your to-do list, but it’s okay to leave a few items off now and then and take time for yourself instead. If you’re feeling frazzled, set aside a to-do-free Sunday and take time to indulge. Start by preparing a few DIY beauty products and having an at-home spa day. Our DIY hair mask can be infused with Lavender and Rosemary essential oils, or you can customize it with any of our perfectly scented essential oil blends.

Make it a daily habit

Tranquil Roll On Young LivingOnce you’ve mastered Self-Care Sunday, take me time to the next level by doing something you love every single day. Once it starts to become a habit, you may find it easier to make your needs a priority in other aspects of your life. Try one of these simple activities every day this week:

◊ Take a walk with no destination in mind.

◊ Start each morning with your favorite homemade breakfast.

◊ Meditate or do sit-down, sweat-free Aroma Yoga.

◊ Add essential oils to your nightly beauty routine with our ART® Beauty Mask.

◊ Apply your Tranquil™ Roll-On and go to bed early.

◊ Keep a daily list of compliments you were paid.

◊ Give yourself a freshly painted manicure and treat your skin to our Coconut-Lime Body Butter.

Whether you carve out a posh weekly at-home spa night for yourself or try a new essential oil in your shower each morning, taking time for self-care always pays off. Work a little me time into your routine and see how much more you can accomplish when you’re well taken care of. How do you take time for yourself every week?

To take your self-care routine to the next level, check out our 7 Tips and Essential Oil Uses for a Balanced Life post, which is filled with more ideas to help you be the best you.

Once you’ve established a thriving self-care routine, learn how to tackle more of life’s obstacles with essential oils and our blog post Powered by Oils: Own Your Day the Young Living Way.

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Disclaimer: These statements and any information contained on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the Australian Medical Association. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult individual products labels for safety information.