Drops for dreamland: 10 ways to use essential oils in your bedtime routine

Think back on the last time you snapped at a loved one, struggled through simple tasks, neglected a workout, and made poor food choices to boot. Chances are you had too little sleep the night before and that the sleep you did get was restless. When we can’t sleep, poor rest’s ugly effects creep into all the other areas of our lives. There’s no need to pry those eyelids open any longer, friends! These tips, combined with the soothing and calming aromas of essential oils that work best for helping you get to sleep, will have you tuckered out in no time.

1. Best essential oil scents for sleep

Vetiver essential oil benefits and uses Young LivingThe relaxing and calming aroma of some oils can create an environment that helps make hitting the hay a walk in the park. Diffuse any of these on their own or in a comforting blend or apply them topically as part of your nighttime routine to help ease yourself into sweet dreams.

  • Lavender
  • Cedarwood
  • Peace & Calming®
  • Vetiver
  • Angelica
  • German Chamomile

2. Essential oils for relaxation

Stress Away essential oil with Vanilla

Sometimes falling asleep isn’t a matter of not being tired but about tossing and turning, unable to turn off our minds, thanks to life’s big and little stressors. To help create a stress-free environment at bedtime, use these oils in a calming massage or diffuse them to bring out their soothing scents.

  • Stress Away™
  • Frankincense
  • Bergamot
  • Geranium
  • Ylang Ylang

3. A nighttime routine

If you have little ones, you know how important a bedtime routine is for setting the stage for getting to sleep—and the same holds true for adults! Performing the same rituals every evening can help prepare your body for rest and relaxation. Take a warm bath, brush your teeth, and moisturize your skin with a night cream that you’ve infused with your favorite calming Young Living essential oils. These or other quiet nighttime habits over time will help your brain recognize that it’s time to settle down for slumber.

4. Atmosphere is everything

Our bedrooms should be our sleep sanctuaries. Eliminate the desire to scroll through your phone or tablet all night, and leave it in another room, or at the other side of the room, if it serves as your alarm. Dim your lights, wear soft pajamas, and diffuse this calming blend to create the perfect atmosphere for drifting off to dreamland.*

Bottle of Lavender Essential OilCedarwood Essential OilDream Blend

5 drops Lavender

4 drops Cedarwood

1 drop Vetiver


5. A little Lavender love

Did you know that Lavender Vitality™ taken internally can help reduce occasional anxious feelings and promote peaceful rest during times of occasional sleeplessness?* Try adding a drop or two of Lavender Vitality to warm herbal tea as you settle down for the evening or add 2–3 drops to a vegetable capsule and take with water 30 minutes before bed.

Tranquil Roll-on - Young Living6. Organization goes a long way

Don’t lie in bed thinking about all the things you need to do! Take 30 minutes before you start your bedtime routine (surely you haven’t forgotten about it already!) to tackle the tasks that keep your mind busy. Do a quick tidying of the house, make sure lunches are prepared for the next day, and organize your calendar and to-do list for tomorrow. Play some of your favorite chill-out music (maybe this Sweater-weather playlist fits the bill?) and use your Tranquil Roll-On to make your must-dos more enjoyable.

7. Calm the mind

Preparing for bed can be a spiritual experience. Whether you use prayer, yoga, or meditation, use the time before you retire to clear your mind of mundane things and devote this important part of your day to gentle connection with your spiritual center. Try diffusing Myrrh, Sacred Mountain, or Sacred Sandalwood during this time to create an environment that is both relaxing and grounding.

8. Gentle stretching

If you’re sore from a long workout or feeling tense in your body, falling asleep can seem impossible. Give yourself a fighting chance at a decent night’s sleep by stretching your whole body, paying special attention to extra-tight areas. Add some extra-soothing relief by using Deep Relief™ Roll-On or Cool Azul™ Pain Relief Cream. Have sore feet? Try this DIY foot soak.

Copaiba Essential Oil benefits and uses- Young LivingDIY Foot Soak


¼ cup Epsom salt

2 drops Copaiba essential oil

2 drops PanAway® essential oil blend

Warm water


  1. Mix the Epsom salt and essential oils in a small bowl.
  2. Add salt mixture to warm water.
  3. Sit back, relax, and let your feet soak for 15–30 minutes.
  4. Write it out

If there’s simply too much on your mind, often the physical act of writing down everything you’re thinking about can help you feel like you’ve cleared your head. As you fill a couple of journal pages, diffuse essential oils with aromas that help bring clarity and calm, like Envision™.

9. Supplement your sleep

When sleep is particularly hard to come by, try adding Young Living’s SleepEssence™ to your bedtime regimen. The vegetarian capsules contain Lavender, Vetiver, Valerian, and Ruta Graveolens essential oils, along with melatonin—a well-known sleep aid.*

10. Write it out

If there’s simply too much on your mind, often the physical act of writing down everything you’re thinking about can help you feel like you’ve cleared your head. As you fill a couple of journal pages, diffuse essential oils with aromas that help bring clarity and calm, like Envision™.

Now that you’re well-rested, it’s easier to stay on top of the other parts of your life. Now you can reset your mindset for handling the constant hustle and use these 7 tips to help lead a more balanced life!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Which of these tips will have you out like a light? Let us know in the comments!


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Disclaimer: These statements and any information contained on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the Australian Medical Association. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult individual products labels for safety information.