Lemongrass essential oil benefits and uses

My Dearest Lemongrass Essential Oil,

I’ve been holding back my feelings for some time, but I can’t stay silent any longer. I must tell you…I love you! Your enticing aroma, your exotic origins, and your relaxing presence all make me fall for you more deeply each day.

Elizabeth Barret Browning once penned, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” She gave Robert Browning eight beautiful and endearing reasons why she loved him, but I adore you so much, I’ll give you nine.

How to use and benefits of Lemongrass essential oil 1. Your heritage

You thrive in warm, humid, and exciting places, and so do I. That’s why we make such a great pair. You remind me of my college trip to Thailand, where the sights, smells, and sounds gave me a sense of wonder every day. You allow me to experience those same feelings no matter where I am.

2. Your scent

I can’t get enough of your exhilarating aroma. When I put you in my diffuser or spritz you over my linens, you linger long after. Your unique scent is like nothing else—sweet and citrusy with a subtle hint of earthy undertones.

3.Your presence

Even after the most hectic day, you have an astonishing ability to help me calm down. When I catch a trace of your inspiring aroma during my deep breathing exercises, I feel more relaxed than I have in hours. Your companionship during my daily meditation helps bring me calm and clarity.

How to use and benefits of Lemongrass essential oil and EN-R-GEE essential oil4.Your teamwork

Not only do I love you, but so many others do too! En-R-Gee™, Ortho Ease® Massage Oil, and Ortho Sport® Massage Oil just wouldn’t be the same without you.

5. Your never-ending support

You help me remember my goals to use fewer harsh chemicals in my cleaning products and look for more plant-based solutions. Here’s my favorite way you help freshen up the house:

  • Add 10 drops to a glass spray bottle.
  • Combine with water.
  • Spritz to freshen carpets and furniture.

6. Your cleanliness

With your bright and refreshing scent, you really inspire a positive outlook, and I finally enjoy cleaning! After turning on some catchy music, you and I get so much done when I add 3–4 drops to a sink full of dishes, a load of laundry, or my all-purpose cleaner.

How to use and benefits of Lemongrass essential oil V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex7. Your charisma

I hate when I’m keyed up after a workout. A personal post-sweat session massage is my favorite thing, but it’s only because of your relaxing smell. When I add you to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex, your crisp citrus and earthy notes are the best after a grueling hour at the gym.

8. Your glow

I have to say—I might love you most for your skin-cleansing benefits. I feel more confident than ever since I started adding you to my nightly skin care regimen. I get more compliments now than ever, and I don’t know if it’s because of my appearance or the happiness you bring into my life. Probably both!

9. Your taste

Not only do you smell amazing, but when I use Lemongrass Vitality™ in my tea, life can’t get much better. You add a light, complex flavor that makes for a perfect way to end the night while I unwind with a book.

With all my love and admiration,

A devoted Lemongrass user

Lemongrass will always have my heart, but there are other essential oils you don’t want to miss. To expand your circle of essential oil love, check out these posts on Vetiver and Helichrysum.

Do you love Lemongrass as much as we do? Help us count the ways in the comments below!

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Disclaimer: These statements and any information contained on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the Australian Medical Association. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult individual products labels for safety information.