There are so many creative ways to use all the drops of essential oil in each amber glass oil bottle. In this post, we want to show you how to use essential oils in ways that benefit your daily routine and hopefully help you discover something new. Check out the essential oil benefits and uses below to see how you can live your best oily life!
Make your own perfume roller bottle.
- Put 2 drops of Lemon or Peppermint on a cotton ball and stash it in the bottom of your trash can.
- Use your favorite aromas—like Sandalwood or Lavender—to make a natural lotion bar.
- Add Grapefruit to a DIY salt scrub.
- Freshen your laundry by adding 2 drops of Purification® to your liquid or powder detergent before washing a load.
- Create a cleaning scrub with 3 drops Lemon, ½ cup baking soda, and enough water to make a thick paste.
- Make a DIY room refresher by combining 8-10 drops of your favorite essential oil and 1 cup water in a glass spray bottle.
- Create a custom beard oil with essential oils such as Bergamot and Cedarwood.
- Freshen carpet by mixing 5 drops of Thieves® with ½ cup baking soda. Sprinkle the mixture on your carpets, let sit for 10 minutes, and vacuum.
- Use Copaiba and PanAway® with warm water and Epsom salt for a relaxing foot soak.
- Get mermaid hair with a homemade spray or serum infused with essential oils.
- Remove the residue left over from sticky labels. Simply rub a few drops of Lemon into the residue until it dissolves and then wipe with a rag.
- Add 4 drops of Cedarwood to your shampoo or conditioner bottle for shinier-looking hair.
- Make Thieves® cleaning fizzies to easily clean the tub, sink, or toilet.
- Add a fun, fresh scent to your homemade playdough or slime with essential oils such as Tangerine.
Draw a steamy bath and add 2 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata and 4 drops of Ylang Ylang for a relaxing reward after a long day.
- Combine ½ cup water, ½ cup vinegar, and 5 drops Lemon in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave the mixture for 3-5 minutes and wipe away any stuck-on grime.
- Craft DIY bath crayons to add extra fun to the kids’ tub time.
- Add a dash of instant flavor with a drop of Oregano Vitality or Basil Vitality in your homemade pasta sauce.
- Stay fresh by mixing Tea Tree and Lemongrass and applying as necessary for a natural deodorant.
- Keep bad dreams at bay with a magical monster spray that kids can use to be brave before bed.
- Rub 1 drop Manuka and 1 drop carrier oil into your cuticles.
- Include 5 drops of Lavender during the rinse cycle when you wash your sheets. The calming aroma of this favorite essential oil is perfect for drifting off to dreamland.
- Add a few drops of a clean, fresh essential oil—such as Lemon or Purification®—to your toilet paper roll. Whenever someone uses it, the aroma will naturally disperse.
- Enjoy a soothing massage with 3 drops of Northern Lights Black Spruce or Palo Santo combined with a palmful of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex.
- Use 2 drops of Jasmine when you apply your daytime moisturizer for the appearance of healthier-looking skin.
- Include 3 drops of Lemon with your dishwasher detergent for an aromatic citrus boost.
- Add Geranium to your body lotion for an added peaceful, calming aroma.
Combine 6 drops essential oil—such as Lavender or Copaiba—with 1 cup Epsom salt for a soothing bath.
- Make a DIY face mask for a night of pampering, relaxation, and fun.
- Get rid of tough stains with a homemade stain remover stick.
- Use a portable diffuser with an invigorating scent like Peppermint or Citrus Fresh to boost your morning commute or everyday errands.
- Create a natural dry shampoo for the moments you’re too rushed—or too tired—to wash your hair.
- Support your weight-management program by pairing a healthy diet and exercise with 2 drops of Grapefruit Vitality in your water.*
- Treat yourself and your locks to an essential oil-infused DIY hair mask.
- Soak in a relaxing oatmeal-lavender bath for a moment of quiet calm.
Get more insider tips and info with our handy infographic What can you do with a 15-ml bottle of EO? and our post Young Living Essential Oils: Value in every drop.
Did we miss one of your essential oil life hacks?
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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