Grace Burbidge

Grace Burbidge

Nurturing Well-Being | Supporting Active Life | Health & Healing

About the way I work…

All my treatments involve powerful yet non-invasive and gentle hands-on techniques that focus not just on the symptoms, but on the person as a whole. They can reduce the need for orthotics, surgery, medication and pain relief.

Treatments are based on the individual’s ability to heal and, accordingly, the results will vary.

The body strives to heals itself to the best of its ability, and the treatments I offer may help the process. It is my aim to treat the individual, not just the ailment, and to assist the body in healing itself. As a health practitioner I endeavor to nurture well-being and to encourage, support & prolong active life.

Young Living & About Me

Welcome to Living Lights Embrace.

My name reflects how passionate I have become about the beauty and purity of Young Living Products & the people who have become part of my life & community. As a practitioner I have found they have affected my life & the lives of others in many ways.

I am passionate about helping people to help themselves.

Born in County Clare Ireland, I grew up in the countryside and spent much of my childhood outdoors in nature, climbing trees, making dens, collection mushrooms from the fields, and breathing in the fresh air and aroma from the lush growth of plants, nature and wildlife all around.

Before starting a family I worked in a local garden center and studied horticulture, so it is a bit uncanny that all these year later I am now exploring the world of oils & plant based products and using them to compliment my practices. I have come to learn that these oils that are the life force of plants and can play an integral role in the life of humans by supporting the body in so many ways.

A few years back a friend first mentioned these oils to me. In my mind I instantly dismissed them as "essential oils" you burn them over a candle, they are all about scent (of which I had become very sensitive not knowing it was the synthetic scents that I could not tolerate) but how wrong was I!!!

The purity & quality of Young Living Essential Oils & products are exceptional...

It was not until some months later that they were mentioned again and I decided to investigate further (thankfully!!)  They have become such an integral part of the everyday lives of my family and I and my clients who grace me with their presence.

After hearing many positive things I decided to investigate further, when I discovered that these oils carry a living frequency I became very curious! This led me on a journey of discovery that I continue to learn and grow from. I have learned why Young Living Oils are different, what medicinal/therapeutic grade means, why there is not a "Use by" or "Best before" date on the bottle. I wanted & continue to learn why they work the way they do. And so as time goes by the more I learn, the more passionate I become....

But that's enough about me!!!

What about you??!

Do you enjoy the smell of synthetic free plant based products?

Do you love the smell of unadulterated fragrance that uplifts your spirits?

Are you interested in finding chemical & filler free supplements and cleaning products for your family knowing you can breathe easy in your home...

Maybe you too want to inspire and help others to help themselves...though a giving person at heart I am now doing this more than ever, & it feels so good..."



If so, Welcome, I would be my pleasure to help you learn more... Click Here to discover how you can Get Started.

You may choose a Retail or Wholesale account. I will reach out to you shortly to answer any questions & welcome you to our community.  Thank you for taking the time to stop by my website. 

Living Lights Embrace

3 Main Road
(Willunga Beauty & Wellness)

Contact Information

It would be my pleasure to support you on your journey.

0437 385 611

Contact Grace

Address: 30 Aubrey Drive, Willunga
Business Hours: By Appointment

Make a Booking or Enquiry

11 + 15 =

Disclaimer: These statements and any information contained on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the Australian Medical Association. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult individual products labels for safety information.